Callie Daniels
I have tried out several different app builders. I absolutely love this one the most. The only that would make it perfect would be if Seel and Route could be integrated with it. I offer both of these on my website and I know my customers will be asking about not being able to have them through the app.
Brad Walker
Support for Route has been added.
We do not yet have plans to add an integration with Seel. But feel free to make a separate request for Seel that we can track status of separately.
Brad Walker
in progress
Brad Walker
Hi Callie,
Route integration work is almost complete. We're hoping to wrap it up this week or next. We'll post again here and will also reach out to you via email to get your Route account information.
Callie Daniels
Brad Walker: That is amazing! Thank you so much!!
Brad Walker
Brad Walker
Hi Callie. We've investigated both Seel and Route and do believe we will be able to integrate with their services in the mobile app. Route in particular looks pretty popular, so we'll likely start there. Thanks for drawing our attention to these!
We're going to start diving deeper and building these out this week. We don't yet have an exact timeline, but we expect to complete it sometime in July.
We'll provide updates here along the way.
Callie Daniels
Brad Walker: Yay!! That's amazing and I am so excited! Thank you for looking into it!
Jeran Fox
Thanks for the feedback Callie! We'll see what we can do to get this into our near term roadmap.